cut off all of your hair and mail it to your father, remember a moment that wasn’t good and wasn’t bad, count all of the teeth in your mouth, cover all of the mirrors in your apartment, 
cut off all of your hair and mail it to your father, remember a moment that wasn’t good and wasn’t bad, count all of the teeth in your mouth, cover all of the mirrors in your apartment, 

focus your attention on something that doesn’t ask for your attention 
focus your attention on something that doesn’t ask for your attention 


ask yourself who you are, don't answer the question

cut all of your pants and shirts in half

speak only when you want to

say each of your past lovers last names

take a photo of yourself that looks nothing like you

remember what the pool is like

count every word you say for one day

smoke a cigarette in your dreams  

weep about the thing you miss

forget about the thing you lack

paint all of your furniture green

recognize paradise

take 6 pictures of 6 red things

notice when someone disrespects you

bring your future self with you to work, then the grocery store and then to bed,

don't forget them tomorrow

understand that you're good and bad

demande la vérité

write the first sentence of a novel

focus your attention on something that doesn't ask for your attention

ask why it hurts


count all the teeth in your mouth

look at yourself and see your grandmother

look at yourself and see a child

drink one can of beer

whisper something out loud right now

ask yourself if its what you wanted

remember each room of your childhood home

compare two fruits of the same tree

evaluate if its your desire or someone else's

don't think about kissing

write down what makes you an outcast, use this tool

stop saying fuck

learn a poem by heart

cry all the way to the store

find a similarity between the thing you love and the thing you hate

never wear blue again

deliver a rose to the one you can't stand

tell your father whats up

notice love

dedicate the space between one sunrise and sunset strictly to play

cut off all your hair while looking out your bedroom window

perform one action which is out of character  

ask nothing for three days